Scientists Discover 'Elixir' In Human Body To Slow Down Ageing
Chinese scientists discover that lithocholic acid, a naturally produced bile, has anti-aging effects similar to those achieved through calorie restriction, offering new insights into promoting healthy aging.

In a pioneering study published in the journal Nature, Chinese scientists have identified a naturally produced bile, lithocholic acid (LCA), which has anti-ageing effects similar to those achieved through calorie restriction. LCA, produced by the liver, was found to enhance muscle regeneration, improve grip strength, and increase running capacity in genetically modified mice with human tissues.
Previous studies had demonstrated that mammals accumulate LCA during calorie restriction, activating a key molecule involved in metabolism called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK).
According to study, AMPK is known to play a critical role in regulating processes such as inflammation and nerve degeneration, which are associated with ageing.
The experiments using fruit flies and a nematode called C elegans were also conducted in support of this finding. They are not supposed to produce LCA naturally, and the treatment of these animals with LCA led to results that are associated with calorie restriction.
According to a report by South China Morning Post, the results indicated that the researchers were able to transmit the signalling effects of LCA once administered. LCA increased the mean lifespan of nematodes from 22 to 27 days, while in flies, it extended male lifespan from 47 to 52 days and that of females from 52 to 56 days.
Lead author Lin Shengcai, a metabolic biologist at Xiamen University, said the team was exploring the potential application of LCA pills for humans in trials.
"We will address the challenges and complexities to explore how it can be applied to humans of different ages with various health conditions, such as pregnancy, and determine the appropriate dosage," Lin said.
"People have long sought an elixir for longevity. LCA is one possibility, as it represents one molecule in the blood of people practising calorie restriction and activates AMPK, which in turn further induces metabolite changes in the blood."
This breakthrough discovery opened new avenues into research in the ageing and diseases of ageing, although further research is required for confirmation of these effects of LCA in human beings. Promisingly, the findings thus open new horizons into potentially developing new therapeutic strategies for the promotion of healthy ageing.
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